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Play & Learn - VR Playground Campus 

​듀윔랑에 대하여.

듀윔랑은 명동 ë‚šì‚° 재믞랑 1혞에 위치한 듀윔젠의 VR 첎험섌터로 쎈등학생, 쀑고등학생 뿐만 아니띌 대학생 등 닀양한 연령대의 고객에게 가상현싀을 소개하고, 직접 첎험할 수 있도록 닀양한 윘텐잠륌 제공하는 가상현싀 첎험 놀읎 공간입니닀.


Learning by Doing / Play and Learn​

Play and Learn은 17여년의 교육 전묞가로서 몞닎았던 듀윔젠 슀텝듀의 교육 철학윌로서, 읎륌 Ʞ반윌로 듀윔랑에서는 HMD륌 통핎 가상현싀 게임곌 교육용 프로귞랚을 첎험할 수 있고, 몚션플랫폌(Motion Platform)을 읎용하여 짜늿한 겜험을 슐Ꞟ 수 있습니닀.


였덎섞 뮀슈엄곌의 MOU륌 첎결하여 안데륎섌 동화 전시ꎀ을 욎영하고 있얎, 몚든 종류의 안데륎섌 동화륌 겜험할 수 있습니닀. 뿐만 아니띌, 레고 및 읞형 만듀Ʞ 첎험 프로귞랚곌 까페륌 욎영하고 있얎 몞소 첎득하며 í•™ìŠµí•  수 있는 복합 첎험공간윌로썚 닀양한 첎험프로귞랚읎 활발하게 욎영되고 있습니닀.


DUCOrang is a VR playground located at Myeongdong in South Korea, where students varying from elementary school to college get to experience Virtual Reality first-hand.


"Learning by Doing" is DUCOgen's core education philosphy. This is reflected in all of our contents, such as VR Edutainment games, and education programs. W further engage the learner (the player) in their VR Edutainment by incorporating Motion Platform into our VR contents.

"Learning by Doing" is DUCOgen's core education philosphy. This is reflected in all of our contents, such as VR Edutainment games, and education programs. W further engage the learner (the player) in their VR Edutainment by incorporating Motion Platform into our VR contents.


We formed an MOU with Odense Museum and run an Andersen fairy tales exhibition at DUCOrang. The "Learning by Doing" philosophy is realized at DUCOrang playground as well, through our lego building, doll hand-making programs.




VR 윘텐잠 첎험 _20분 3000원, 30분 4000원​​

VR 몚션 플랫폌 바읎킹 첎험 _1읞 2000원



였전 10시 ~ 였후 7시 (맀죌 월요음 휎묎)



서욞특별시 쀑구 퇎계로20êžž 42 (지번_서욞 쀑구 낚산동2가 26-1)


VR Game







낮 채널

낮 채널


VR Contents

Tilt Brush
Hands Up RAMI
Ultimate Booster
Google Blocks
The Lab

Collaboration & Others

핞드메읎드 전묞 뾌랜드 '희슈돌(Hee's Doll)'
Handmade-doll brand, Hee’s Doll

특별한 팹뾌멭 맞춀 읞형곌 자첎 캐늭터륌 개발하여 개성 있는 가방, 파우치, 팚션소품 및 팬시제품 등 닀양한 연령대의 소비자듀에게 사랑 받을만한 각종 상품을 구비하고 있윌며, 죌말에는 엄마와 핚께하는 첎험, 췚믞로 ë°°ìšž 수 있는 소품 및 읞형 수업을 진행할 예정입니닀.


Along with her handmade custom dolls using special fabrics and her own characters with fabulous personalities, Hee also makes one-of-a-kind bags, pouches, fashion accessories, fancy products. On the weekends, Hee teaches how to hand-build dolls and goods for the whole family. 

Andersen Fairy Tale
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